Terms of Service

Our bots Terms of Service is listed here

Effective Date: February 11th 2022 (2/11/22) This page will lay out the rules that you (the user) must follow. Breaking Terms of Service could end up in you and/or your servers blacklisted. By using/inviting the bot, you agree to the Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy and Bot Rules Blacklisting Breaking Terms of Service, Bot Rules, or Discord Server Rules could end up with you blacklisted. If your server breaks Terms of Service or Bot rules, the server will end up being blacklisted and anyone participating can end up being blacklisted Disclaimer Using our discord bot, you are liable for your actions you take. We the bot team is not responsible for any action done by Server Bot Master Contacting If you have any Comments, Questions, or Concerns, please contact any Bot Moderator or owner. Appeal a blacklist HERE.

Last updated